Saturday, April 13, 2013

Pre-Spawn River Run Walleyes In The Age Of Global Weirding

How about this weather we are having? It seems this phrase is becoming more common all of the time. Global weirding perhaps but our weather patterns seem to be more and more to the extremes. A pre-spawn walleye bite should be as predictable as tax time or the return of the Robins. The past few seasons we have seen a swing from one of the earliest ice outs in recorded history to what is shaping up to be one of the latest. This river thing can be hard to time lately
 but if you hit it right it can be fantastic. The big sallies are just starting to run up on the Rainy river as I type this and the season is scheduled to close tomorrow. Missed it by that much. So we didn't get our 30inchers this year but it's great to get out and give it a go. One month 'till 2013 opener now, if we have open water...

Cheers and Hooksets!