Monday, September 30, 2013

In Search Of Fall Color-Brook Trout

Brook Trout live in beautiful unspoiled places, sometimes hard to access. A single fish in hand can be all the reward one needs to travel into it's brushy realm.

Cheers and hooksets!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

51# 1oz Leech Lake Muskie

Stop by Rusty's Up North Realty in Longville, MN if you are looking for a lake home in Muskie country. Or just stop in and visit with this long time guide and  Muskie legend and drool at his mount of a 59" post-spawn fish caught in 1973 that tipped the scales at over 50#.

 cheers and hooksets!


Monday, September 9, 2013

Lac LaCroix Express

Being too busy for a week of paddling and too broke for a fly-in we opted this year to take a shuttle boat from Crane lake to LaCroix. Though we caught mostly small fish, the weather was perfect.

cheers and hooksets!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Chunky Town-Leech Lake Pike

Cooling water means bigmeanfish time. Muskies, walleyes, bass and pike are packing it on now.

This pike fell to a magnum bulldawg. Think these baits look too big? Think again, walleyes eat them too!

Won't you take me to...

cheers and hooksets!